Schedule changes for Wichita Schools

Changes for Wichita Public Schools, budget has increased this 2018-19 school year, allows students to get out 30 minutes earlier, and have extra school days

  There are a few changes for West High’s 2018-2019 school year. Some changes are because USD 259 had budget issues last year. BOE agreed that 88% of the new budget should go directly to supporting the students. Other changes are because of students leaving during academy time and problems with the dress code policy. 

 Students are required to be at school by 8:00 a.m. and dismissed at 3:10 p.m. “I actually like ending earlier, I have a second job so it helps me to be able to get there quicker,” said Sandy Nixon, psychology teacher here at West High. The academy time hour has changed from the last hour of the day to morning at 9:29 a.m. to 10:09 a.m. 

Nixon feels that the academy time change is an adjustment for not only the teachers, but also for the students. The academy time change gives students more time to work on their assignments before their next class. Students have seven minutes to get to class this year, and additional two minutes from last year. Teachers find this year’s schedule more convenient. 

   Students have a seven-minute passing period between every hour. “It gives me more time to get to further destinations,” said Nadiya Mosley, student here at West High. It gives them more time to be able to get whatever they need done. It also encourages students to stop being late to class.   

   The dress code has added a few changes to its policy at West High. Students are not allowed to wear pajamas. The purpose of the dress code policy is for students to dress appropriately and not distract the educational surrounding. 


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