Category: Editorials
Las Cazuelas review
A Lesser known restaurant named Las Cazuelas, located on the South side of Wichita. Looking at Las Cazuelas off of Harry, the tan and red building doesn’t look like much. However, once I walked inside the appeal of this restaurant became more clear. Las Cazuelas is clean inside and the workers use disinfectant spray on…
Editorial – Mask usage: a double standard
On January 11th, 2021 students returned back to face to face for the first time since March of 2020. Students in the building are expected to wear masks correctly at all times, except for lunch, meanwhile some faculty members are not following mask usage guidelines, potentially signaling to students that mask wearing doesn’t need to…
What to do if there is a medical emergency during class
In the case of an emergency during class, following the instructions below can only help the situation. As is the case for any event in which consequences could be major, it’s very important to stay as calm as possible. According to CAPE Assistant Principal Larry Sadd, the first thing to do is send someone to…