Category: COVID
“Hey, stop”
By Nevaeya Lotches and Malinda Roland Destruction in the restrooms over the last few weeks has led to inordinate amounts of extra work for West High custodians. This is due in large part to the new ‘devious licks’ challenge popularized on Tik Tok. This involves soap dispensers to other necessities to keep the school safe…
Misleading Covid Posters
Around West High there have been multiple sightings of anti vaccine posters. These posters tend to have misleading information, the posters have been encouraging people to disregard wearing their masks. Other posters have even encouraged people to be against vaccinations. Some anonymous west high students had this to say about the posters: “I don’t like…
COVID-19 Vaccine: The Facts
Source: Pfizer-Biontech COVID-19 Fact Sheet Illustrations by Adrian De La Torre Gonzalez